Globlins! (wip main page, add images and more details)

what is globlins?
globlins! is a game i've been doing with some friends, taking the artist role of tileset, backgrounds, menu assets, objects

this space gonna be a sorta of devlog on my side for remember stuff maybe? i still don't have all the ideas clear so will think with time

the tools i use mainly are tiled and libresprite, libresprite for everything on the art side and tiled for put together the tiles for make the level full (floor, slopes ecc...)

i really like to use the 32x32 size, is convenient, not too big and not too tiny, each tile is 8x8 of size so can use different levels for it

it been some months now i think the game is almost 1 year old, the old levels are still not finished but there's enough for have a prototype demo and going for the 2nd level, when will remember will translate stuff in italian