
page for credit stuff I've found around that i use currently into the website and sites from where i study and learn how to code

jump to credits list

for coding most of study or coding snippets (like javascript that i still don't know how to use) is from,,, also stackoverflow

for html and css i always try my possible to learn how to do it myself from scratch looking at references and experimenting on them, for references i mean stuff like this for example: html tags alphabetical order reference before checking out if exist premade snippets, learning how to diy is way more fun and better, way more customizable and personal

when use codes from somewhere else i will do my best for credit the webmaster if allow the use and check if the use from the author is open, if something is wrong, improperly credited, or i forgot to credit just let me know and i will fast fix it or take it down, if this happens in future I'm sorry in advance

hidden neocities rss tutorial:


buttons, blinkies, stamps, userbox, cursors ecc... :
usually credit them directly by linking them to the original author on the image or in the collections page or in the html/css file when found

javascript clock: